Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Okay, when I said "new entry by the end of the week," I apparently actually meant "a year from now."

What the hell, Beth. What the hell.

So, in case anyone reading this (is anyone reading this?) isn't already aware, I frequently have completely nonsensical dreams. Of course, dreams in general are fairly nonsensical -- mine are just more often than not extremely funny once I think about them later. So I present, for your viewing pleasure, a hastily- (and horribly-) drawn account of one such dream.


(click to see full image)

My favorite part is how any effort I might have put into this visual account slowly dwindles away to almost nothing by the end. What can I say? I was just so anxious to speedily share this with you!

There is an important lesson to be learned from this, and I shall leave it with you to infuse your life with meaning: if someone tries to hit you on the head, put them in a choke-hold and steal their remote.